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The Big Question: What’s the Best Way to Store My H.AZEEM Jewellery?

The Big Question: What’s the Best Way to Store My H.AZEEM Jewellery?

The Big Question: What’s the Best Way to Store My H.AZEEM Jewellery?

We’re all thinking it: “I’ve bought all of this stunning H.AZEEM jewellery, but how should I store it?” Never fear! H.AZEEM has the answer, and it’s simple and also gives you the satisfaction of being able to see your H.AZEEM jewellery collection laid out elegantly. What’s the point of having some of the finest pieces from H.AZEEM’s stunning online jewellery collections if you can’t get to them in the morning quickly? Why lock away beautiful gemstones that glow with exotic fires? Why hide geometric designs just screaming to be held and touched? The best part is, there are only two ways of organising and storing your luxury jewellery that you need to know about! Gone are the jewellery boxes of old that are clunky and outdated, and open, stylish means of storing jewellery are in.

Method #1: The Draw Storage

Pick a draw, any draw. Mix and match and find boxes and compartments that fit your jewellery in a way that is spatially economic and also tailored to the individual elegance of each piece in your H.AZEEM jewellery collection.

Find boxes that can fit your favourite bangles from the Sakura Collection and smaller boxes that showcase your cocktail rings from The Classic Couture Collection.

Imagine rows and rows of gorgeous H.AZEEM rings just waiting to be worn!

Organise your necklaces from The Enchanted Empress Collection in long thin boxes to prevent tangling.

All of your beautiful jewellery will be laid out for you in a smorgasbord of dazzling gemstones and warm golds, rose golds and sparkling silvers. Just think about it makes us want to touch every piece; just imagine pulling out the draw and captivating your friends with your stunning luxury jewellery collection...

Click here to view the full Sakura Collection

Click here to view the full Enchanted Empress Collection

Click here to view the full Classic Couture Collection

Method #2: Jewellery-As-Decor

Alternatively you could honour the bold cuts and cutting edge designs of H.AZEEM jewellery by utilizing it as a means of interior design; incorporating your jewellery collection into your decor. Small patterned bowls next to a plant, a figurine, a picture frame can turn just nick-nacks and bric–a-brac into stylish decor. Choosing interestingly shaped objets d'art can be the perfect prop for artfully draped necklaces, trendy hand shaped objects can perfectly showcase druzy earrings from the Elara Collection and stackable rings in areas in your home that catch the light will send dazzling refractions dancing across the wall at certain times of the day.

A gorgeous talking point for dinner parties and social brunches, having your jewellery showcased subtly throughout your home will charm your friends and family. A small enamelled bowl somewhere central can not only be a great way to feature your rings, but after a long day can be the perfect way to draw a line under the day and help you switch into relaxation mode in your home.

Click here to view the full Elara Collection

H.AZEEM creates affordable, luxury jewellery at its most elegant and seasonal. Collections range from fashion jewellery made from natural gem stones to druzy, amethyst, topaz and garnet to mother of pearl. From necklaces, rings, bracelets and earrings, H.AZEEM is both modern and timeless; classic cuts are paired with innovative gemstones and settings. Geometric lines are offset by soft jewels and gems; dramatic glamour is complimented by understated sophistication and elegance. No other online jewellery retailer is as chic and versatile. There is something for everyone and every occasion from H.AZEEM.

Click here to view all H.AZEEM online jewellery collections